I have never had a blog before, but I feel like by starting one I'll be able to get my feelings out, document all the exciting and memorable things that happen in my family's lives and maybe make some new friends along the way. Many of my friends don't have children yet, so on occasion I feel somewhat isolated. While I'm talking about the best brand of diapers, how many teeth she has, or humming Twinkle, Twinkle or Baby Beluga, most of my friends are thinking about what party they're going to, or how they're going to get home that night. I'm a very self conscious, shy person so opening up to people is hard for me. I think maybe by doing it this way, I'll be able to let loose a little more.
Right now, it is six oh six in the morning and both Glen, my boyfriend, and Eliahna, our daughter, are still sleeping, but i haven't slept in all night. Instead, I've been cleaning, starting this blog, and watching music videos. I know I'll be paying for it at two this afternoon when Ellie wants to play and I'm dog tired, haha. Today is one of our long days. My boyfriend works two job. He leaves at eleven in the morning and doesn't get home till after three AM. It's hard having him away from the house so much. Both Ellie and I miss him very much. The hardest part is knowing how upset he gets when he misses something she's done. For example, a few weeks ago, she walked for the first time and he wasn't able to see it. I'm so glad that I was able to see it, and I tried to record her for him to see; but I know its just not the same. We, Glen and I, just keep telling ourselves this is for our future, these crazy work hours are going to pay off, we're going to be able to save up for a house, it'll make things easier in the long run. So, Ellie and I will be alone all day, which is fun. She has been talking and walking more and more everyday. Its so exciting, I never know what she's going to say or do next. Right now, her favorite word is Puppy! She just says it over and over again. When a commercial for dog food or the ASPCA shows on the TV, she goes nuts. She gets so excited, she even squeals! I love it!
Little by little, she's adjusting to walking. At this point, she'd rather crawl. It's easier and for her faster, I like to call her my little speed crawler. Everywhere she goes, it's like she just can't wait to get there. Before I had a Eliahna, I always used to hear parents talking about their kids non-stop. I would think 'Gosh, is that all they talk about?'. Now....I've become that parent. Funny how life works out. Ironic how some of the things you thought you would never do, or never like become your favorite things when you do them with your baby. Even before i got pregnant, I would always say 'My kid won't sleep with me, the baby will be in it's own bed in it's own room'. Haha, yeah right. The minute I looked into those big brown beautiful eyes, I wanted to spend every second possible with her, awake or asleep it didn't matter. Here we are a year later, still co-sleeping. Part of that is because I breastfed the entire year and it was easier to have her next to me, but I also couldn't picture her all alone in her room when she could be snuggling up with Glen and I.
Speaking of, I think Glen is waking up, so for now this is it. I'm off to make breakfast or mabe I'm off to McDonalds, haha. Hope you all found this first attempt at a blog entry somewhat interesting. I'm completely open to feedback, questions, or comments. I'll be back soon, can't wait to get into the swing of things.
-Everyday Amazing